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Essay Topics For Emily Dickinson
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Equilibrium Le Chateliers principle
Balance Le Chateliers rule Presentation: Balance is characterized as where the forward and switch paces of a response are equivalent (1). A framework in unique harmony is a particular case of a framework in a consistent state. In this consistent express the pace of information sources and yields in the framework is equivalent, so the cosmetics of the framework is unaltered after some time (3). Le Chateliers rule can be utilized to anticipate how an adjustment in conditions will influence substance balance. This guideline expresses that if a concoction framework at harmony experiences an adjustment in fixation, temperature, volume, or weight, than the balance movements to balance the change; besides, any adjustment in these zones starts a contrary response in the influenced framework (2). This guideline is utilized to impact the aftereffects of reversible responses (1). When a response has arrived at harmony, the balance groupings of every reactant and item are known, one can utilize a condition to decide the balance consistent (3). The steady consistently has a similar incentive as long as the temperature stays steady (2). The condition used to decide this steady is characterized as the centralization of the items (to the intensity of the stochiometric coefficients) over the grouping of the items additionally to the intensity of the stoichiometric coefficients (3). When you know to what exactly side of the response balance movements to you can decide the predominant species or coordination compound. A coordination compound is characterized as an exacerbate that contains a coordination complex, which is a structure comprised of a focal iota clung to an encompassing arrangement of particles or ligands (1). Coordination is a reference to the organize covalent bonds between the ligands and the focal iota (1). These bonds happen through the giving or tolerating of electron sets. Gatherings giving electron sets are the ligands (Lewis bases) while bunches tolerating sets are normally progress metal cations (1). The reason for this lab is to figure out how to apply this foundation data to more readily see how changes in harmony blend are influenced by falsely applied changes. When the progressions are applied expectations are made for shifts in balance. Understudies will do the examination and figure out what side balance really moves to. This assurance, using Le Chatleliers standard, will at that point be utilized to figure out which is the prevailing species, or coordination complex in every response. Method: All through the trial the shading and perceptions were ceaselessly made. The cobalt (II) buildings were set up by including 3 mL of deionized water to the strong CoClv(2)†¢6Hv(2)O. In another test tube 3 mL of 12 M HCl was added to the strong CoClv(2)†¢6Hv(2)O. 0.309 g of CuClv(2)†¢2Hv(2)O was disintegrated in a little measuring glass and the shading was recorded; 10 mL of deionized water Next, the arrangement was equitably filled three test tubes. In the hood, 4 mL of 6 M NHv(3) was added dropwise to the primary test tube until the arrangement turned out to be obvious to frame [Cuv(9)NHv(3))4(Hv(2)O)v(2)] ²+. In the subsequent test tube, 10 drops of NaOH was added and perceptions were recorded to frame Cu(OH)v(2). We estimated 5 mL of 6 M HCl and added it to the third test cylinder to shape [CoCl4] ². 15 mL of a 0.1 M arrangement of CoClv(2)†¢6Hv(2)O was put in a little measuring glass. Utilizing a pipet, 2.0 mL of the arrangement was filled every one of the five named test tubes. Test tube #1 was saved and utilized as a control. Set up independent diagrams for the expansion of reagents (HCl, NaCl, and HNOv(3)), expansion of water to test tube #3, warming to 100 ?C test tube #2-5, and cooling to 0 ?C test tube #2-5. Each diagram ought to contain an expectation, perceptions, and dominating complex section. 0.3 g of CuClv(2)†¢2Hv(2)O was put in a 125 mL Erlenmeyer cup and broke up by 3mL of deionized water; perceptions were made. A graph was set up for the expansion dropwise of NHv(3) (45 drops), HCl, and H2O to a jar and perceptions were recorded. Half of the arrangement was filled a measuring utencil. One was warmed; the other was cooled, and thought about. The warmth was turned up high to heat up the arrangement and perceptions were made. Conversation: This test related Le Chateliers Principle to moving harmony. There is an enormous impact on the situation of harmony by the expansion of an animal groups which takes part this balance. At the point when an animal groups is included that responds and frames a transcendent complex the harmony will move to keep everything equivalent. A case of this is when HCl is added to the cobalt complex. The moving of harmony can be seen when the arrangement begins at pink shading and when HCl is added it changes shading to blue. The transcendent complex is Cobalt Chloride. Water was included the above arrangement and the complex turned around to pink. The transcendent complex abandoned cobalt chloride to [Co(H2O)6]2+. Water isn't legitimately taking an interest in balance however it despite everything responds with species in the arrangement and in this manner in a roundabout way causes a move in harmony. Water is a dissolvable and any dissolvable doesn't show up in the harmony condition despite th e fact that it will in any case have an impact of balance. This impact is equivalent to referenced before in that the dissolvable could respond with an animal types in the arrangement and cause a disparity in harmony subsequently causing a move. Science Encyclopedia database. Compound.html. (Gotten to November 1, 2009) Clackamus Community College database. (Accessed November 1, 2009) Chemguide database.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Host Chapter 5: Uncomforted
Hi, Wanderer! Won't you sit down and make yourself at home?†I wavered on the edge of the Comforter's office, one foot in and one foot out. She grinned, only a little development at the sides of her mouth. It was a lot simpler to peruse outward appearances now; the little muscle jerks and moves had gotten comfortable through long periods of introduction. I could see that the Comforter discovered my hesitance somewhat diverting. Simultaneously, I could detect her dissatisfaction that I was as yet uncomfortable going to her. With a calm moan of renunciation, I strolled into the little splendidly hued room and took my typical seat-the puffy red one, the one farthest from where she sat. Her lips tightened. To maintain a strategic distance from her look, I gazed through the open windows at the mists leaving past the sun. The swoon tang of sea saline solution blew delicately through the room. â€Å"So, Wanderer. It's been some time since you've come to see me.†I met her eyes culpably. â€Å"I left a message about that last arrangement. I had an understudy who mentioned a portion of my time†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Yes, I know.†She grinned the little grin once more. â€Å"I got your message.†She was alluring for a more established lady, as people went. She'd let her hair remain a characteristic dim it was delicate, inclining toward white as opposed to silver, and she wore it since quite a while ago, pulled in a free pig tail. Her eyes were a fascinating green shading I'd never observed on any other person. â€Å"I'm sorry,†I stated, since she was by all accounts sitting tight for a reaction. â€Å"That's okay. I comprehend. It's hard for you to come here. You wish so much that it wasn't fundamental. It's never been important for you. This scares you.†I gazed down at the wooden floor. â€Å"Yes, Comforter.†â€Å"I realize I've requested that you call me Kathy.†â€Å"Yes†¦ Kathy.†She snickered delicately. â€Å"You are not calm with human names yet, are you, Wanderer?†â€Å"No. To be completely forthright, it seems†¦ like a surrender.†I admired see her gesture gradually. â€Å"Well, I can comprehend why you, particularly, would feel that way.†I gulped uproariously when she said that, and gazed again at the floor. â€Å"Let's discussion about something simpler for a moment,†Kathy proposed. â€Å"Do you keep on making the most of your Calling?†â€Å"I do.†This was simpler. â€Å"I've started another semester. I thought about whether it would get tedious, rehashing a similar material, however so far it doesn't. Having new ears makes the tales new again.†â€Å"I hear beneficial things about you from Curt. He says your class is among the most mentioned at the university.†My cheeks warmed a piece at this acclaim. â€Å"That's ideal to hear. How is your partner?†â€Å"Curt is awesome, bless your heart. Our hosts are fit as a fiddle for their ages. We have numerous years in front of us, I think.†I was interested on the off chance that she would remain on this world, on the off chance that she would move to another human host when the opportunity arrived, or in the event that she would leave. Be that as it may, I would not like to pose any inquiries that may move us into the more troublesome zones of conversation. â€Å"I appreciate teaching,†I said. â€Å"It's to some degree identified with my Calling with the See Weeds, so makes it simpler than something new. I'm obligated to Curt for mentioning me.†â€Å"They're fortunate to have you.†Kathy grinned energetically. â€Å"Do you realize how uncommon it is for a Professor of History to have encountered even two planets in the educational program? However you've carried on a term on practically every one of them. Also, the Origin, for sure! There isn't a school on this planet that wouldn't love to take you away from us. Terse plots approaches to keep you occupied so you have no opportunity to consider moving.†â€Å"Honorary Professor,†I amended her. Kathy grinned and afterward took a full breath, her grin blurring. â€Å"You haven't been to see me in so long, I was thinking about whether your issues were settling themselves. In any case, at that point it happened to me that maybe the explanation behind your nonappearance was that they were getting worse.†I gazed down at my hands and said nothing. My hands were light earthy colored a tan that never blurred whether I invested energy in the sun or not. One dim spot denoted the skin simply over my left wrist. My nails were stopped. I hated the sentiment of long nails. They were horrendous when they brushed the skin wrong. Also, my fingers were so long and flimsy the additional length of fingernails made them look bizarre. In any event, for a human. She made a sound as if to speak following a moment. â€Å"I'm speculating my instinct was right.†â€Å"Kathy.†I said her name gradually. Slowing down. â€Å"Why did you keep your human name? Did it make you feel†¦ more at one? With your host, I mean?†I would have gotten a kick out of the chance to think about Curt's decision also, yet it was such an individual inquiry. It would have been off-base to approach anybody other than Curt for the appropriate response, even his accomplice. I stressed that I'd just been excessively inconsiderate, however she chuckled. â€Å"Heavens, no, Wanderer. Haven't I revealed to you this? Well. Perhaps not, since it's not my business to talk, yet to tune in. The vast majority of the spirits I talk with don't require as much consolation as you do. Did you realize I came to Earth in one of the absolute first arrangements, before the people had any thought we were here? I had human neighbors on the two sides. Abrupt and I needed to profess to be our hosts for quite a while. Considerably after we'd settled the quick zone, you never knew when a human may be close. So Kathy just became what my identity was. Moreover, the interpretation of my previous name was fourteen words in length and didn't abbreviate prettily.†She smiled. The daylight inclining through the window got her eyes and sent their silver green reflection moving on the divider. For a second, the emerald irises shined brilliant. I'd had no clue about this delicate, comfortable lady had been a piece of the bleeding edge. It took me a moment to process that. I gazed at her, shocked and out of nowhere progressively conscious. I'd never paid attention to Comforters extremely never had a need now. They were for the individuals who battled, for the frail, and it disgraced me to be here. Realizing Kathy's history caused me to feel marginally less clumsy with her. She got quality. â€Å"Did it trouble you?†I inquired. â€Å"Pretending to be one of them?†â€Å"No, not so much. This host was a ton to become accustomed to-there was so much that was new. Tactile over-burden. Following the set example was very as much as possible handle at first.†â€Å"And Curt†¦ You decided to remain with your host's mate? After it was over?†This inquiry was progressively pointed, and Kathy got a handle on that on the double. She moved in her seat, testing her sanity up and collapsing them under her. She looked keenly at a spot simply over my head as she replied. â€Å"Yes, I picked Curt-and he picked me. From the start, obviously, it was arbitrary possibility, a task. We reinforced, normally, from getting to know one another, sharing the risk of our main goal. As the college's leader, Curt had numerous gets in touch with, you see. Our home was an addition office. We would engage regularly. People would get through our entryway and our sort would leave. Everything must be snappy and calm you know the viciousness these hosts are inclined to. We experienced each day with the information that we could meet a last end at any second. There was consistent fervor and incessant dread. â€Å"All generally excellent reasons why Curt and I may have shaped a connection and chosen to remain together when mystery was not, at this point vital. What's more, I could mislead you, mitigate your apprehensions, by disclosing to you that these were the reasons. But†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She shook her head and afterward appeared to settle further into her seat, her eyes drilling into me. â€Å"In such huge numbers of centuries, the people never figured love out. What amount is physical, what amount in the psyche? What amount of mishap and what amount of destiny? For what reason did consummate matches disintegrate and incomprehensible couples flourish? I don't have the foggiest idea about the appropriate responses any better than they. Love essentially is the place it is. My host adored Curt's host, and that affection didn't kick the bucket when the responsibility for minds changed.†She watched me cautiously, responding with a slight grimace when I drooped in my seat. â€Å"Melanie still laments for Jared,†she expressed. I felt my head gesture without willing the activity. â€Å"You lament for him.†I shut my eyes. â€Å"The dreams continue?†â€Å"Every night,†I murmured. â€Å"Tell me about them.†Her voice was delicate, influential. â€Å"I don't care to consider them.†â€Å"I know. Attempt. It may help.†â€Å"How? By what method will it help to reveal to you that I see his face each time I close my eyes? That I wake up and cry when he's not there? That the recollections are so solid I can't separate hers from mine anymore?†I halted suddenly, holding my teeth. Kathy pulled a white hanky from her pocket and offered it to me. At the point when I didn't move, she got up, strolled over to me, and dropped it in my lap. She sat on the arm of my seat and paused. I hung on determinedly for a large portion of a moment. At that point I grabbed the little square of texture indignantly and cleaned my eyes. â€Å"I loathe this.†â€Å"Everybody cries their first year. These feelings are so incomprehensible. We're all youngsters for a piece, regardless of whether we proposed that or not. I used to destroy each time I saw a quite nightfall. The flavor of nutty spread would once in a while do that, too.†She applauded the highest point of my head, at that point trailed her fingers tenderly through the lock of hair I generally kept tucked behind my ear. â€Å"Such truly, sparkly hair,†she noted. â€Å"Every time I see you it's shorter. For what reason do you keep it that way?†As of now in tears, I didn't feel like I had a lot of respect to shield. Why guarantee that it was simpler to think about, as I generally did? All things considered, I'd come here to admit and get help-I should continue ahead with it. â€Å"It disturbs her. She prefers it long.â€
Friday, August 21, 2020
Stereotyping and prejudice in the workplace
Generalizing and preference in the working environment The entire world urbanized everyday in view of globalization. Each individual can go one state to another essentially in addition the explanation of work, or study. While an individual from one diverse condition or country cooperate with another individuals from an alternate environmental factors, that time the two of them takes their own economic wellbeing, culture, nature, accepts with them, which are difference between one another (Google question) subsequently, segregation emerges inside a people in their working spot in light of the fact that each individuals have distinctive disposition towards the individual which might be certain or might be antagonistic. The reason for this task is to find the issue emerge in male commanding work environment which particularly looked by ladies and furthermore investigate the issues and construct proposal for making a move by organization just as give better arrangement. This instructions paper centers the contextual analysis of Ms. Rosina Ch amar, worker of Dynamic Power Supply International Pvt. Ltd. The matter of this organization associated with not just in Nepal additionally running in European nations as well. After outline the circumstance of case, SWOT and PEST investigation has been talked about to take care of the issue. Finally of the paper, results in addition to estimates has been allowed for better recommendation. In this preparation paper, to clarify the challenges on working environment, Hofstede Cultural Theory and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) examination could bolster a great deal to conquer the issues or to meet the best outcomes. Likewise outside elements PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technical) assists with breaking down the Situation and find reasonable outcome. Terms of Reference There are numerous individuals around the globe, who think they are more remarkable and prevalent than others. This isn't consequence of todays condition since this occurred from the earliest starting point when there were lords and hireling, where the extremely resilient individuals were regarded and revered while the frail ones were became worker ( Lisa Gayagay, 2009:1). The point of the task depends on the issues which face by the individual particularly ladies who are working set up in a male overwhelming nation like Nepal. From the start, we as a whole should need to realize that generalizations assimilate ages in regards to the normal highlights of the individuals. Same as bias is a way of the individuals which can be sure or negative that they appear without knowing about the reality. On account of the sex generalizing which happens when people are decided by customary pigeonhole dependent on sex. Either created nations or lacking areas individuals need to manage these kinds o f issues (Prejudice, part: 5). Who I am: I am a senior instructor Kritika Gautam. I am working in BK Legal Advice Consultant Pvt. Ltd since 2005. During my working period I have numerous information and experience each day. I have degree from University of Bedfordshire, England in Law and Human Resource Management. So my degree and my working experience help me to get right choice and take care of issues. As a counsel, my obligation is to take out her in that circumstance. Its exceptionally fundamental that a consultant need to take care of the customers issues. During my experience, I have opportunity to become familiar with the various issues looked by individuals due to social ruling, conventional commanding. Also, seriously need to state that ladies are the primary objective of those sorts of issues. Who my customer is: My customer is Ms. Rosina Chamar. She is filling in as a budgetary official in Dynamic Power Supply International Company in Nepal. She is going to a worldwide organization to work from country network. As a result of her ability and graduation level instructive declaration she got a chance to work with a worldwide organization. In our Hindu culture, ladies were honored as Shakti/Devi or capacity to accomplish everything. Individuals were revered her vision, compassion power and even her equity. I have genuine distinction of assessment with Rosina Chamars issues. In the wake of hearing her words once, her words struck me. As indicated by my customer, in our general public we climate treated ladies like goddess or hirelings. There are such huge numbers of models which show that ladies have been dampened, dismissed and misused since the times of cave dweller. For her situation, the principal issue is that she needs to battle to remain in male commanded culture where terrible dialects a nd misogynist jokes which might be standard of man and she needs to think about those sorts of things. Next point is that a male personality additionally makes hard for him to acknowledge a lady from lower give a role as his senior even she has the privilege instructive foundation and qualifications (Pushya S, 2009). What helps my customer wishes? She has come to me for help since she has confronted numerous issues. My customer Ms. Chamar, she wishes to get soothe of these issues. To win a male overwhelming society, she should need to settle in her organization. That is the reason in the wake of confronting numerous challenges she despite everything working in that organization. Either my customer is an accomplished lady and has 3 years involvement with pertinent field yet sadly she needs to confront issues in her work. What's more, in conclusion she needs to come to me to get thought and counsel to take care of the issues. Diagram of the circumstance In the current circumstance of our nation Nepal, the way of life and conduct of individuals of town is entirely unexpected from open country. Town become an increasingly modernized and pragmatic. Working in an office is increasingly focused and need to down to earth information to do. Likewise individuals of the town are very surprising from their conduct, language, viewpoint and disposition. They have given greater need in bunch task however she has an issue to cooperate with men. Since she is from low cast and medium family foundation, her associates have negative deduction toward her way of life and accept and primary concern she is lady. Indeed, even town is a position of taught individuals however the conduct and thinking about their still same like an old period. Along these lines, this is a crucial issue she needs to confront. My customer initially ought to must be alert every one of these circumstances before taking choice that she will do proceed with the activity or not. In the wake of understanding her all issues, the fundamental issues she confronted regularly in her working environment resemble the given underneath and she must be get ready to get free from these difficulty. Mentality: The issue of disposition of men about her is negative since she is working class ladies and she constantly prefer to be hold. That is the reason might be her coworkers imagined that she is hostile and pretentious. Wages hole: In each undertaking, ladies despite everything winning not exactly their male associates. Not just my customer, numerous ladies around the globe had not very many rights and furthermore could be sacked from work basically on account of their family and social issue like: ladies needed to assume a job of mother, housewife. So they need to issue to be a full proficient. That is the reason even they try sincerely dynamic still they get less pay than other equivalent men. Ms. Chamar likewise confronted same issue of less pay. Social trouble: When a lady comes in various society to accomplish something for her future she needs to confront numerous issues and the social trouble is one of them. In town a large portion of the families are not permitting to ladies to work outside the own general public, yet while coming around she needs to work with various sorts of men where they have open reasoning, culture and condition. Male overwhelm: For better authoritative future, organization must need to utilize many kind of procedure to work. What's more, male and female both are a piece of good dynamic. So my customer needs to come to work in male overwhelmed society where the male consider as a better as think about than the female. So it is difficult for man to work with the skilled and dynamic female staff. She has a decent work understanding and information yet the man who has top situation in the general public so they have similarly difficult to follow behind the female. Social and family association: In our Nepalese society ladies has numerous social obstructions and confined. She should need to adhere to social guideline and ethics. Be that as it may, in city life all have opportunity to do anything. Also, she has issue to acknowledge unexpectedly this condition in her life since it requires some investment to comprehend. Badgering: The last and difficult issue she confronted is provocation either sexual or dialects. About the instances of inappropriate behavior (Farler, 1978), it specifies instances of numerous gatherings of working ladies: youthful/old, proficient/work, and rich/poor. It is endemic yet basic issue to working environment. On account of my customer her associates and ranking directors needed to take sexual connection with her and they generally attempt to carry on gravely and misdirect. So she is constantly apprehensive from that circumstance and attempted to be careful self from them. Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimension: This partiality issue isn't singular issue in light of the fact that the entire society and world confronted these kinds of issues. Not just had ladies from Nepalese society, all ladies around the globe legitimately or in a roundabout way whiskers this issue. Geert Hofstede prescribes a hypothesis to comprehend the social contrasts between people groups, sexes and nations (Prentice Hall-Financial tine, 2002). There are five angles which help to clear the contrasts among male and female segregation in working environment and society. 1. Force Distance Index (PDI) 2. Independence (IDV) 3. Manliness (MAS) 4. Vulnerability Avoidance Index (UAI) 5. Long haul Orientation (LTO) To outline above periods of social contrasts the chart of Asian and European nations show these quickly: Five measurement speculations of Professor Geert Hofstede Force Distance Index: PDI show the imbalanced designation of intensity between the individuals. This is a level towards which the less incredible individuals from association need to acknowledge and seniors of organization conveyed this inconsistent. In this chart, Asian nations have most noteworthy PDI with a positioning of 70% contrast with European nations normal of 40%.The force separation among Asia and Europe demonstrate the high of I
Friday, June 5, 2020
Community-Oriented Policing and Domestic Violence - Free Essay Example
COMMUNITY-ORIENTED POLICING AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Introduction A myriad of creative approaches in the criminal justice systems of the world have been established over the last two decades in an attempt to lessen or curb the domestic violence incidences in us and across the world. Different law urgencies have now put in place policies that authorize arrest for domestic violence. Such domestic handling options as evidence-based prosecution, no-drop policies and special advocates allocated domestic violence cases have also been adopted by prosecutors. Moreover, in the extension of the community policing initiative the law enforcement outfits have also established partnership with communities in a bid to fight the crisis. According to (Feltes 2000) community-oriented policing has resulted into a reduction of up to 30% of domestic violence case in some states of America. In fact, (Kasturirangan 2008) forecasts that if sufficiently implemented, community oriented policing will result in a 70% reduction in the current incidences of domestic violence in the USA alone. But how intimate is the solving of domestic violence and community-oriented policing? How does the community-oriented policing work within the complexities involved in domestic violence? Can anything be improved for the betterment of the process? This paper seeks to explore these questions. The author of this paper believes that if well managed community-oriented policing can blend within the dynamics of domestic violence and create lasting solutions among families. The evolution of community-oriented policing. It is no doubt that the concept of community oriented policing has been on a continuum of evolution. Since its initiation, several legal and social changes have occurred within the society to improve the experience of community- oriented policing. The following section explores the evolution. What are the components of COP? According to (Lumb and Wang 2006) community-oriented policing (COP) is made up of certain core components that make it possible to use as a problem solving tool. Below are the major components of community-oriented policing: Strategic-oriented policing. Firstly, COP must be strategic-oriented. According to (Matud 2007) strategic oriented policing entails the adoption of preventive and proactive methods of problem and crime elimination. Matud (2007) particularly notes that something is strategic when it has a profound impact on the whole firm; impacts on any of the strategic factors (human resource, performance, financial, corporate culture etc); creates a competitive advantage; futuristic and impacts change management. In the context of COP, this will thus be achieved through the establishment of a stronger relationship and partnership with the communities. As Matud (2007) notes, increased number of police officers in the communities may increase police-community conflicts and thus inadvisable. Strategically, thus the relationship between the few officers and the community can be enhanced, the community members encouraged to report crimes and problems and thus collective prevent crimes and societal problems. Neighborhood-oriented policing. Neighborhood-oriented policing (NOP) is another core component of the COP. (Reisig 2010) defines NOP as an interactive policing process involving the police officers securing certain beat jurisdictions and the citizens either residing or working in the beat jurisdictions collaborating to establish problem and concern identification means. This is then followed by a mutual assessment of viable solutions through the provision of resources available both from the community and the police departments in addressing the problems established. In his study of COP, Reisig (2007) identified four main components of NOP namely: contact; communication; trust; and information exchange. He believes that for the success of NOP the officer must come into contact with the community, communicate to them the intentions of the police department. This communication results in the development of trust which eventually increases information exchange. In essence, NOP also involve police driven community tr ainings and education including drug awareness, DWI awareness, neighborhood watch, school programs and community meetings. Problem-oriented policing (POP). Coined by Golstein (1979), POP is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“a model that required the police to be proactive in identifying underlying problems that could be targeted to alleviate crime at its roots.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Golstein (1979) noted that apart from dealing with crime, police had other societal problems to solve such as physical and social disorders. In this regard, they had to extend their mandate from the traditional enforcement of criminal law to the consideration of civil statutes. This way problem would be addressed before crime or disorders lead into disaster. This POP approach was later expounded by Eck and Spelman (1987) in their SARA model- an acrony model for Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assesment. SARA model, which have since then become very popular in practice, illustrated the steps that should be followed in POP. Building trust between police and community. For COP to be successful, the police officers must be able to build a strong relationship with the citizens. According to Sidebottom and Tilley (2011), the building of trust must involve good communication. They further note that the communication should always be done in contact with the citizens in a manner that ensures that the information that citizens exchange is not only acted upon but also not used against the source. Moreover, they argue that the organization of education and training events such as school programs, drug awareness and such increases contact among the police and the citizens and thus trust. In his view increased positive contact results in increased trust and thus helpful information exchange. How is community-oriented policing and domestic violence connected? The connection between domestic violence and COP is not new. Early literature although few noted that domestic violence could be solved through COP. Reisig (2011) noted that domestic violence can result into murder which is criminal and therefore if addressed through the POP component of COP it can be averted. However, posited that mediation other than arrests could be used in COP efforts to curb domestic violence although he accepted that this could trivialize the vice and introduce new complications. Nevertheless, COP through NOP and intimate community partnership could easen access to domestic violence incidences at early stages and address them before they turn dangerous through mediation, counseling and other negotiation methods. B. What is domestic violence? 1. Minnesota Domestic Violence Experiment (MDVE)? The organization conducted a study regarding the police responses in cases of partner violence. The response of the police officers differed wherein one set separ ated the partners, one attempted to mediate the contending parties and the last response was to make mandatory arrest (McClennen 2010). Through this experiment, the offenders and the victims were monitored and were continually interviewed until six months after the incident. Through this way, the police organization was able to follow up whether their responses for the incidents were effective or not. How did police respond in the past? Due to restrictions under the law, police response in cases of domestic violence was only to check and report regarding the incidents. They were not allowed to make an arrest and not to intervene within the family matter. This caused inefficiency on part of the officers to avoid future violence. How police respond after MDVE? After MDVE, different states started to amend their laws regarding arrests of violent partners. Changes in their approach were made wherein large percentage of police organizations use arrest as a form of stopping the offenders. Other states also changed their approaches and made sure that once there are reports, they will implement mandatory arrests. Mandatory arrests laws; is this effective method of reducing this crime? According to Ellis et al (2014), there was a decrease in reports of assaults in states where mandatory arrests are applicable. However, there was increase in cases of homicides between intimate partners as some try not to report the incidence of violent as they do not want their partners to be arrested. How does community-oriented policing work within the dynamics of domestic violence? Community oriented police work can help in mitigating the number of domestic violence as the police can respond with the said incidents swiftly through this approach. Approaches such as NOP can help in improvement of reports of the cases so as to immediately mediate the conflicting parties. A proactive approach can help abused partners to instantly contact the officers once violence occurs. Working closely with the community is the best way to diminish problems within it. 1. Community/police relationships and domestic violence? a. Community coalitions; social programs and interested groups. Community coalitions such as women organizations can help in mitigating violence wherein reports can be easily made and that said incidents can be tackled within the said groups. Partnering with other anti-violence organization can help in avoiding offenses that usually occurs at home. Social programs can be used as a mode of educating the people of the community on how important that t hey need to be aware of the violence and what may be its effect in the future. b. Community responses to domestic violence; community support networks. Spakowski and Milwerts (2006) posited that a powerful community support network serves as the external condition for effective intervention of mens domestic violence against women. The network can be used as a release for the battered partners and serve as their support if ever the problem will still occur. The support network must be organized by the community itself as the beneficial outcome will be for them in the end. c. Response partnerships; police and community leaders. The community leaders must be an instrument towards assuring that the police will be active in mitigating the problem and be alert whenever a violence report is being reported. Through a series of competent communication strategy, the police officers will be able to respond quickly and can even save the victim from future danger. The partnership bet ween the police and community leaders is inevitable if one wants to assure that there is protection and safety within the community. A viable means of communication can be set up to help the members of police force to swiftly provide their response. This may cost the community in some way, but the benefits can be seen in the end if such system will be implemented. II. Conclusion Community-oriented policing is definitely a good approach towards lessening the cases of domestic violence. Though the issues may be personal for some families, the intervention of police authority is needed especially if it will be threatening for the victims and also to some other members of the family. Building ties with the community is assuring that the said community will be protected from future harm. Acquiring a systematic approach towards the said policing may help in more competent police organizations which may be used as a model for other states. References: Ellis, D., Stuckless, N. Smith, C. (2014), Marital Separation and Lethal Domestic Violence, Routledge:UK. Feltes, T. (2002). Community-oriented Policing In Germany: Training And Education. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies Management, 25(1), 48-59. Kasturirangan, A. (2008). Empowerment And Programs Designed To Address Domestic Violence. Violence Against Women, 14(12), 1465-1475. Lumb, D. R., Wang, D. Y. (2006). The Theories and Practice of Community Problem-Oriented Policing: a Case Study. The Police Journal, 79(2), 177-193. Matud, M. (2007). Dating Violence And Domestic Violence. Journal of Adolescent Health, 40(4), 295-297. McClenne, J. (2010), Social Work and Family Violence: Theories, Assessment, and Intervention. Springer Publishing Company:NY. Reisig, M. (2010). Community and ProblemÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ Oriented Policing. Crime and Justice, 39(1), 1-53. Sidebottom, A., Tilley, N. (2011). Improving problem-oriented policing: The need for a new mo del?. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 13(2), 79-101. Spakowski, N. Milwertz,, C. (2006), Women and Gender in Chinese Studies, LIT Verlag.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Similarities Between Islam And Christianity - 1619 Words
Beliefs shape societies, cultures, and people’s way of life. Every single person who has ever lived has had a set of beliefs. Whether these beliefs entail monotheism, polytheism, or atheism, everyone has their own beliefs. Two of the largest groups of people to share beliefs are Christians and Muslims. Today, there are about â€Å"2.2 billion Christians and 1.6 billion Muslims,†accounting for over half of the world’s population (The Future of World Religions). Not only are Christians and Muslims the largest religious groups, they are also the oldest, stemming from a common emergence. Although Christians and Muslims share similar beginnings, Islam is a religion of violence and Christianity is a religion of peace and therefore is more beneficial to society. It is important to understand the similarities between Islam and Christianity, specifically their origins, to better understand their differences. Islam is believed to have been started through the descendants of Abraham, a man who was considered a prophet of God in both Islam and Christianity. Many historians and theologians agree that Islam began through the lineage of Abraham’s first son, Ishmael, who was born around the year 1727 BC (Ishmael). Ishmael is mentioned in both the Qur’an and the Bible. In the Qur’an, much of Ishmael’s early life is told throughout Surah 37 (Conflicting Narratives). In the Bible, specifically Genesis 17:20, God promises to make a great nation out of the descendants of Ishmael. Both Ishmael andShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam993 Words  | 4 Pages Christianity and Islam are the two biggest religions that are present in the world today, with close to four billion followers combined. While Christi anity and Islam actually have a lot more in common than most people think, there are still many differences to them. First, let’s start with the similarities between the two. Both religions believe that in one way or another, Jesus will return to Earth in the final days of the world to have a judgement day, in which essentially will determine if youRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1316 Words  | 6 PagesIn today’s world, the largest religion is Christianity with a 33 percent and Islam coming in second place at around 21 percent. According to the article A Common Word between Us and You Both religions make up around half of the population around the world. Islam and Christianity are collectively known as Abrahamic religions because they trace their history to the covenant God made with Abraham in the Hebrew Bible. Christianity and Islam are two of the fastest growing religions, and they bothRead MoreSimilarities Between Islam And Christianity997 Words  | 4 PagesIslam and Christianity are two largely wide spread religions in the world that have a great impact on their followers, especially in a spiritual manner. Because of originality, values, and unique believes in each religion, their believers respect and try to comprehend each other’s faith. With Christianity’s record 2.2 billion population and Islam’s impressive 1.6 billion population, they both form the bases of their countries laws and are recognized by governments all around the world. Even thoughRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1427 Words  | 6 PagesChristianity and Islam share much common ground. They trace their origins to Abraham; believe in prophecy, apostles, revelation, scripture, resurrection, and life after death. Christianity and Islam have related theological traditions; believe in one omnipotent God who is concerned with human salvation. Both religions are somewhat similar in how they embrace their belie fs; what the church is to Christianity, the umma is to Islam. Notwithstanding these important similarities, however, these two worldviewsRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1088 Words  | 5 Pagessignificant historic province where it served as the birthplace for many beliefs and religions such as Christianity and Islam. Within 600 CE to 1250 CE and 1st century to 1000 CE, Christianity and Islam began to spread. The two leading religions were very apparent in their belief in God and worship. As we seek to understand the Christian and Islam beliefs, it is important to be familiar with both the similarities and differences in the early years. The thought of death may terrify most of us, but to thoseRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1409 Words  | 6 Pages Christianity and Islam were both spread in socially and economically similar and politically different. They both had an important people that role and spread of the religions. Christianity included the individuals of who believe in Jesus Christ. Christians are the flowers of the Christ who often believed is the son of the God (â€Å"the father†); Christians strongly believe that Christ will return after the next life; the end of the world. Islam consists of individuals who believe in Allah, the godRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1005 Words  | 5 Pages Compare and contrast ancient Christianity and Islam. Christianity and Islam are both closely related religions, because they are branched of Abraham and other patriarchs mentioned in Hebrew Scriptures. Examples of these books are the Old/ New testament and the Quran. These books serve as their spiritual ancestors and are also know as Abrahamic religions. Although these books have a massive amount in common the clash of these two religions has caused for a mass crimes and violence across humanityRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam891 Words  | 4 PagesChristianity came about 2000 years ago and was founded by Jesus Christ. It is mostly practiced in the Western world with a population of about 2 billion people. The name Christianity came from a Greek word ‘Christos’ meaning Jesus Christ and was founded between 4 B.C. and 30 A.D, and consist of the 3 major groups which are the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox. Islam on the other hand was founded about 1400 years ago by Muhammad in 600’s A.D. The word Islam is derived from an Arabic word forRead MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1332 Words  | 6 Pagesreligion has its own goal, and their own path and belief to reach their goals. However, there are many similarities in beliefs. Although the followers of Judaism, Christianit y, and Islam may see things differently, they all fundamentally hold the same values and codes. To Islam, the Prophet Mohammad’s teaching is a complete and final revelation. On the other hand, according to the bible, Christianity believes that Jesus Christ is the true lord and savior that will grant you the access to heaven in theRead MoreSimilarities Between Islam And Christianity1928 Words  | 8 Pagesget punished for practicing religion. The two religions bear some superficial similarities, the differences between the two religions is clear though. How the two religions practice their beliefs, the population, beliefs, and how they view â€Å"Jesus†are different and similar. Although the two religions are very different from each other, they also show some similarities. The main similarity is that Islam and Christianity both are monotheistic; meaning they believe in one god. Which are 2 out of the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The State Of Nature By Thomas Hobbes And Jean Jacques...
For centuries the question whether war is a product of Man s nature or an outcome of nurture has been a source of intellectual debate. In the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries each of the political philosophers, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau took different stances regarding this issue in their deduction of the state of nature; a concept describing people s lives before the existence of civilized societies and laws. Thomas Hobbes imagines a state of nature where each person is naturally fully free to do whatever he wants and to act as he thinks right regardless what others think. In the absence of authority and laws to put an end to the aftermath disputes, Hobbes imagines that people lived in a state of war. In such a situation, people have natural right to do anything to protect their lives and properties, they are in that condition which is called warre; and such a warre as is of every man against every man. As a result life is a brutish, short and a poor one (np.). Hobbes described this natural condition as war of all against all. On the other hand, Jean-Jacques Rousseau challenged Hobbes view in the eighteenth century He believed that people were born as a blank sheet, and later society and the environment influence their characters and attitudes as good or bad. In Rousseau s state of nature, people do not know each other to begin serious conflicts, and they have normal values. Kathe Callahan in War Narratives: Framing Our Understanding ofShow MoreRelatedThe State Of Nature : Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, And Jean Jacques Rousseau902 Words  | 4 Pages  The state of nature is the state were humans existed before government was ever created. There once was a period were there were not any rules, or laws to obey. In a state of nature there are no social goods. No farming, housing, technology, or education. With a state of nature there must be guaranteed that no one will harm one another, and people must rely on other s to keep their word, and not go back on what they say. Living in a state of nature was no way to live honestly. A state of natureRead MoreModern Liberalism and Political Policies1337 Words  | 6 PagesModern Liberalism Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s political philosophies and theories each differ from one another’s, but these three philosophers have all staked their claims as to what man would be like, prior to the formation of the state. This is the State of Nature. Their notions on the social contract reflect their position on the political spectrum. These three philosophers also examine the purpose and function of the government to individuals of the state. Modern liberalismRead MoreThe Social Contract Theory Essay1249 Words  | 5 Pageswill further elaborate in this paper. In the book Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes was one of the first to discuss the social contract. Hobbes explains that all human beings are born in â€Å"the state of nature†, which means that all men used to live in the primitive state before the advent of society. In the state of nature, men needs two things in their life. First, it is to self-preserve themselves, since it is in men’s human nature to survive, similar to animals. Secondly, men are self-regarding,Read MoreComparison of Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Essay1092 Words  | 5 Pages Human nature and its relevance in determining behaviors, predictions, and conclusions has caused dispute among philosophers throughout the ages. Political philosophy with its emphasis on government legitimacy, justice, laws, and rights guided the works of the 17th and 18th century philosophical writings of Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Through Thomas Hobbes world-renowned publication Leviathan and Rousseau’s discourses on basic political principals and concepts, each man validated theirRead MoreRousseau s View On State Of Nature1551 Words  | 7 Pagesargument of the state of nature often comes into discussion. However, two mainstream philosophers Thomas Hobbes and Jean- Jacques Rousseau have similarities, but mostly have multiple different ideas on this theory. Although Hobbes makes valid points Rousseau s view on state of nature is more realistic then Hobbes. Rousseau’s view on the state of nature is interpreted as a forest, and refers to the â€Å"savage man†. He begins by explaining how he relates man to an animal he states â€Å"when I strip thatRead MoreViews of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau815 Words  | 4 PagesArden Bentley AP Euro 3/9/13 Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean-Racques Rosseau were philosophers who stated their belief of human nature and how we should govern mankind. Although Rousseau was born a different time than Hobbes and Locke, they all had a very strong influence on the way governments should function. They created a revolutionary idea of the state of nature, the way men were before a government came into play. Each philosopher developed guidelines and responsibilities that the governmentRead MoreThe Meaning Of Human Nature870 Words  | 4 Pagesof Human Nature The social contract seems to be open to be an ideology that is left to interpretation by everyone that has either wrote or read about it based on their individual definitions of what it means to be in the state of nature. Throughout this course we began with Thomas Hobbes, whose beliefs seemed quite ridiculous at times, but his ideas about what it meant to be a person in the state of nature, were supported by what he believed to be true. Much like when Jean-Jacques Rousseau statedRead MoreModern Practices Of Hobbes And Rousseau Core Humanities Paper No1470 Words  | 6 Pagesï ¿ ¼University of Nevada, Reno Modern Practices of Hobbes and Rousseau Core Humanities Paper No. 1 Kimberly Martin CH 202 Joe Taglieber September 22, 2015 Martin !1 ï ¿ ¼Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were philosophers from the 16th and 17th centuries. Hobbes and Rousseau developed theories that explained the development of human nature and how men govern themselves given the circumstances around them. Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau both have become the most influential philosophers ofRead MoreThe Seatbelt Law, By Thomas Hobbes, And Jean Jacques Rousseau1262 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States commute daily to work, and to run their errands. In almost every state in the United States, wearing a seatbelt is required. Many people ask why they should have to wear a seatbelt in their private vehicles, while others agree that everybody definitely should wear their seatbelt. Should the government be able to create and enforce this laws such as this one on the public? This paper will discuss the seatbelt law, the views of philosophers Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, andRead MoreEvolution and the Modern Social Contract Theo ry : Essay Outline1050 Words  | 5 Pagesof the state over the individuals. We will describe the social context in which the modern social contract theory has originated and how this theory has influenced political thinkers of the time. Secondly, we will identify the key thinkers in the development of the theory by introducing each of them and discussing their respective political theory of the subject. The main thinkers that we will introduce in his essay are Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Immanuel Kant and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Thesis
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Labor supply Or Demand Issue In Woolworth †
Question: Discuss about the Labor supply Or Demand Issue In Woolworth. Answer: Introduction In the current business scenario, recruitment is the key challenging factor that is faced by companies in the Australia. Further, supervisors, managers, and human resources managers within an organization always look towards resolving the challenges of recruitment of their workforces. In Addition, high vacancy rate, turnover, and poor staff training are expensive for the organization, as well as this condition may generate detrimental outcome within the organization. Therefore, it is essential for organization to assess and execute the effective strategies to overcome these workforce recruitment challenges (Lai, et. al., 2016). This report presents the certain challenges for recruiting the workforce within Woolworths organization. It also recommends different strategies to address these challenges. Key challenges for recruiting the workforce for Woolworths organization Labor supply/demand Labor supply and demand is the key issue for recruiting the workforce within Woolworths, Australia. The availability of labor in both outside and inside the corporation is an essential factor in the recruitment procedure. It is analyzed that Woolworths has a demand for more qualified person but there is an inadequate supply in the market with respect to a qualified workforce. Therefore, the company has to depend on the internal resources by facilitating them development initiatives and special training (Curtis, and Reid, 2013). Moreover, supply and demand of specific skills are required by Woolworths in the labor market. In the Australian labor market, demand for skills is high relative to the supply as extraordinary recruiting efforts may be required. For example, the demand for financial analyst and marketing manager is likely to be higher as compared to their supply. Along with this, supply and demand relationships for non-technical employees are opposite to technical employees in Australia (Mabaya, et. al., 2016). Organizational image Image of the organization can act as prospect constraint for recruitment. It is analyzed that Woolworths has positive image and goodwill as an employer hence it could be easier for this firm to attract and retain their workforce as compared to an organization with a negative image. Image of a company relies on its performance in the retail industry. For instance, products are highly purchased by people when supermarkets were coming up in the Australia (Holbeche, 2015). Demographic issues Demographic change is the key challenge for the organization in recruiting the workforce. It can be evaluated that Woolworths faced demographic issue for recruiting the employees hence it needs to adapt the effective recruitment practices for responding towards increasing diversity within the labor markets. Diversity can change the pool of expected workforces and the requirement of workforces. Together with, it influences the extensive business objectives such as provisions related to service. Furthermore, the continual modification in the demographic profile and extensive population indicates that organizations need to build strategies that will attain the requirements and wishes of the Australian people (Hairon, and Tan, 2017). There is certain demographic and social alteration is outlined below: Ageing population Force regarding welfare and health facilities Voluntary compassionate act by the people Favorable aging and ongoing withdrawal Labor force diversity Participation of women Diversity-related to ethnic and religious Besides this, differences in a generation are a big issue for recruiting the workforce within the Woolworths hence this company should develop the learning aptitude and receptiveness to adopt the new facts and knowledge (Bailey, et. al., 2015). Competitors The recruitment policies of competitors have also affected the recruitment function of Woolworths. Furthermore, the organization has to make modification in their recruitment policies due to facing rivalry. In this way, the company makes policies by analysis the strategies that are followed by its key market participants (Ibrahim, and Sidani, 2014). Political, Social and Legal Atmosphere There is different government regulation which is prohibiting bias in recruiting hence employment has a direct impact on the recruitment activities. For instance, Government of Australia has made regulation regarding high tax rate in retail sector hence it will impact on the recruitment process due to declining salary within the organization. Along with this, trade union plays a significant role in recruiting process of Woolworths (Pourshaban, et. al., 2015). Therefore, it can be stated that restrictive administration freedom of choosing the individuals can have a negative impact on selecting best candidates. When candidate is unable to meet the predetermined criteria which are set by the union then union regulation can create difficulties to select the candidate. As a result, it can be stated that union regulation is a big challenge for Woolworth while recruiting the workforce within an organization (Curtis, and Reid, 2013). Rate of Unemployment Unemployment factor is an essential factor that affects the existence of candidates and growth of the Australian economy. It is analyzed that while company creating new jobs and there is an oversupply of proficient labor then it leads to increase unemployment (Sellers, et. al., 2015). Labor Market Employment circumstances can be created where the company is situated as it will affect the recruiting efforts of the company. It is analyzed that a surplus of manpower exists in the Australia as it could affect the recruitment process. As well as, informal attempts such as notice boards and announcement in the meeting will also affect the applicants in recruiting process (Hunter, 2015). Recommend strategies to address these challenges Employer branding Employer branding is used as a procedure in which Woolworths build an internal and external appearance of an organization. In this way, the company concentrated on the targeted audience rather than potential recruitment (Gldner, et. al., 2015). Following are a different strategy that should be used by Woolworths to create branding in the market: Digitalizing strategy The digital technologies are focusing on talent engagement, attraction, and retention of the employees. It is not a new strategy hence Woolworths should emphasize on new effects. Moreover, high amount of data can be accessed through social media which is never before seen. Hence, social media should be used by Woolworth to create a positive image in the market by promoting their brands through online. As a result, it would be beneficial to enhance the business process (Bennett, et. al., 2014). Creating network The key to improving the branding in the market is to constantly organically produce the network. The company should also make strategies to reach the global level network as it would be diverse enough to make sure that company is connecting with people who have a range of skills and diverse backgrounds (Curtis, and Reid, 2013). Increase lifelong learning and experience Woolworths should create self-learning by taking feedback from employees and train them on how to deliver the information to customers. There is a number of open sources and free company websites available for people with internet connection as they can share their experience regarding job (Pourshaban, et. al., 2015). CSR engagement CSR can be an effective strategy to build employer branding of Woolworths as it affects how people observe a brand positioning in the market as compared to key market participants. Effective flow of communication The company should use a certain tool like Woolworths should use customer service to aid the communication flow outside and inside of an organization. These techniques can provide support to Woolworths to become smarter for all sizes work and become more responsive and make rapid innovation in the retail industry (Bennett, et. al., 2014). Equal Employment opportunity It is analyzed that when people connect with any company then they can be either too excited or nervous. Hence, Woolworths should provide the equal opportunity to their employees and should deal with them as an experience people (Gldner, et. al., 2015). Types of advertising Woolworths should also use different kinds of advertising to recruit the workforce within the organization. It is discussed as below: Local Newspaper The local paper has a classified part in which local job-seeker look to search their next career step. It can be an effective medium to match the requirement of people with the companys requirement. It can be more beneficial to recruit the local candidates as they have more idea about local language and culture. The main disadvantage of using advertisement in a newspaper is that it takes lots of space to fit the description of the job and also it could be more expensive (Pourshaban, et. al., 2015). Online Job Board There are certain online job boards in the Australia such as Career One, MyCareer and SEEK which enable the company to recruit best candidates. However, there are certain retail industry-specific boards which can help the company to target the right candidates. The company should use the internet to find for retail industry-specific jobs as it would be beneficial to obtain the idea about selecting candidates. However, it can be more time-consuming (Hunter, 2015). Company Website and Newsletter The company should also use its websites to advertise the job. This can be beneficial for that individual who looks at the Woolworths website and understands the retail industry. As a result, it could be a good source of recruiting candidates. It can also provide the good opportunity for the internal candidates to apply in case external candidates are unaware regarding the vacancy (Sellers, et. al., 2015). Social Media Social media is another type of advertisement tool which is used to recruit the potential applicants. For example, Woolworths can use the facebook page, and twitter feed to post the advertisement and link related to recruitment. It can also encourage the followers to share the post with their network. Along with this, professional network like LinkedIn can be used by Woolworths to create the awareness about the vacancy and can also lead their colleagues and workforce to share the advertisement with their networks (Gldner, et. al., 2015). It can be stated that if the company will use recruitment agency then they will support the organization to write an advertisement and also appeal to select the right candidates. However, online advertising is generally takes high fees because they use their proficiency to screen the resumes and choose relevant applicants to move the company to approve the next phase of the recruitment process (Curtis, and Reid, 2013). Conclusion and recommendation From the above interpretation, it can be concluded that there are different challenges faced by Woolworths at the time of recruiting the workforces within the organization. These challenges are labor supply and demand, organizational image, demographic issues, labor market, competitors and Political, Social and Legal Environment. It can be summarized that there are different strategy is used to overcome the recruitment process issues like employer branding and different type of advertisement strategy. From the above findings, it can be recommended that company can use different sourcing techniques to reach the appropriate applicants. In this way, it can use job sites, companys websites, referrals, alumni association, social media, job fairs and different channels to find applicants (Gldner, et. al., 2015). Along with this, Woolworths should keep the record of the candidates rather than focusing on which method was used. References Bailey, J., Price, R., Pyman, A., Parker, J. (2015). Union power in retail: contrasting cases in Australia and New Zealand.New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations (Online),40(1), 1. 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