Thursday, December 5, 2019
Performance Management For Hr Samples â⬠
Questions: 1.What are the HRM implications - how might HR have to operate differently? 2.What are the implications for leaders and managers? Answers: The paper attempts to evaluate how the use of apps by employees of the future, to better manage their work and personal life, will present many challenges and opportunities for both the human resource management and the employees. Human resource management according to Dessler consists of carrying out guidelines and practices related to human resource from a management position which include recruiting, screening, training, and appraising of employees (Dessler, 2007). Hellriegel on the other hand shares that human resource management is the procedure of exploring and managing the needs of human resource in an organization to bring about the fulfilment of its strategic objectives (Hellriegel, 2008). According to Perry, the work environment together with employees have been changing for a long time hence future predictions for what work life will be are not new. These changes are being brought about by technology, environmental shifts, consumer trends and science (Timms, 2013). The workforce will undergo some very big changes and the human resource department will also be very different. Perry urges human resource departments to get ahead of this change and gain ground. Human resource technology is any tool used to aid in all management functions of the human resource. Technology has made the work of employees and human resource to ease and to be completed at a faster rate, it has reduced the administrative burden enabling the shift in focusing on more meaningful activities like offering the much-needed expertise to leaders to make more human resource related decisions. The stages in the evolution of human resource include; paper-based systems, early computer technology, electronic databases and then web-based technology (Bulmash, n.d.). The implications of using apps for employees. The comparative advantage theory by Porter shares on how strengthening the internal capacity of an organization improves competition and enhances productivity which results to better quality services (Itika, 2011). According to the Guardian's writer Leah, time management apps have become more popular over the years with consumers using them to get more productivity from their few hours in a day. Streak, for instance, is an app that enables one to define their tasks and set how long one wants to spend on the task. At work, the scarcest thing people have are their own attention together with others. Time management apps give employees room to be focused as they include calendars, notes, and file sharing tools that remind users to take a break or change the task at hand which in turn enhances productivity (Messinger, 2015). Access to information is vital in the workplace to enhance the free and fast flow of data, convenience, and productivity. Organizational performance in the near future heavily relies on the accessibility of quality data. This, in turn, drives the management of any organization to shift their thinking towards the data supply chain. Modo shares that the effects of globalization's are enabling companies to branch out in different states which challenge employers to ensure employees are well connected and informed. Mobile technology plays a key role as it is the intersection of data, communication, and convenience (Team, 2015). The general systems theory fits in with above as any organizations success relies on constant interactions and failure of the managements part in conveying the right information to the employees, leads to their failure in producing effective results (Laszlo, 1972). According to Forbes apps have enabled companies to have closer collaborations. In the past boardrooms were the only places workers could collaborate with each other but now a high percent of the populations has smartphones, tablets, and computers which enable the sharing of screen data and video chats. Organizations that stick to older technologies are being left behind and missing out on productivity offered by a newer wave. Puskar shares that video conferencing at his company cuts long meetings, encourages corporation, attentiveness and brings people together. This employee engagement encourages real relationships to form as they enable people to put a voice, words in a document to a face (Burg, 2013). Mobile applications are playing a vital role in employee learning. The cognitive theory is a learning theory based on self-managed learning. This theory argues if individuals are interested in learning something on their own, there is a higher probability for them to actually learn and retain that knowledge (Coyle-Shapiro, 2013). Today more and more interactive learning apps are being developed, some apps have interactive videos that offer a richer, interactive and stickier learning experience, and mobile learning apps have both formal training and quick performance support. This millennial-centric learning appeals to the millennial generation who are driven to have a customized strategy in having a complete learning experience (Pandey, 2017). Technology is changing various ways of working in every organization which is justified by the organizational change theory. Gareth shares that this theory consists of ways in which companies move from their present state to the desired state to increase their effectiveness. These changes are both internal and external as a result of technology, policies, laws and choices. Tech Republic gives an example of a warehouse operation whereby workers needed their hands to pick boxes and free one hand once in a while to communicate through a radio. New mobile applications are giving this worker a chance to use telephone headsets with portable mobile units strapped to belts. Their voice-based commands are digitalized into data flowing to the management systems. This saves time, energy and promotes efficiency (Shacklett, 2015). The rise in companies embracing the use of apps to bring about efficiency in the workplace has brought the rise in employee's need to learn new skills. This is achieved through employee training and development. Human capital theory is keen on education and training as a way of enhancing rapid development. This theory changes the notions for organizations to embrace training and development as returnable investments which should be part and parcel of every company from thinking of them as costs that need to be minimized (Itika, 2011). Lunar pages shares on the importance of cloud-based services in organizations whereby companies are able to reduce capital costs and increase flexibility. Organizations are slowly embracing the cloud which entails employees learning new skills on how to operate the cloud system. Many regulations are required in order to well manage data on the cloud which will shift resources and strategies on security measures to enable a smooth transition (Lunarpages, 2013). Career coaching is all about making informed decisions about career development. The job market competition is really high and navigating through millions of career websites is really tough and daunting. Every year things are changing and a few career apps and websites top the list of becoming the most effective platform to get a job. Apps for job hunting, for instance, give individuals a jump start on openings, apps for changing up resumes enable individuals to share their skills in an eye-catching way and interview apps train individuals on ways of answering questions during interviews. Career coaching gives individuals opportunities to assess their professional situations with complete honesty and curiosity which in turn enable them to gain confidence, insight, and inspiration in making informed career choices (Henderson, 2014). 1. Human resource management has changed drastically as a result of the change in technology which leads human resource departments to embrace some features. Performance management, for instance, has become more accurate. Before technology, the process of monitoring performance required a lot of paperwork, long duration meetings and various performance reviews (Mireles, 2016). Todays softwares are using cloud technology, the BirdDogHR software, for instance, provides performance management solutions by giving 360-degree feedback, measures goals, competency and appraisals just to mention a few (Capterra, n.d.). The 21st century is changing the business environment as more and more information is expected to be analyzed, interpreted and understood. Management is unable to cope with the everyday tasks and processes of organizational life hence are always on the lookout for effective ways to manage the workforce and deliver (Senyucel, 2009). More and more human resource departments are embracing digitized interviews which save costs and time. According to Forbes writer Paul, as a head of talent acquisition in a public school district, he and his team invested in digital advertising that saw them interview more than 2,000 prospective teachers. This method according to him was the best as candidates were free to use laptops, phones or tablets (Council, 2016). According to Armstrong, employee relations deals with managing the employment relationship and the psychological contract. Management is moving away from collective concern to individual concern (Armstrong, 2014). Technology apps are lessening the work of the human resource department with record keeping, on boarding, off boarding, performance monitoring and salaries giving management more time to focus on relationship building. Human resource is able to interact with the employees constantly to analyze what motivates them, guide them to better manage their work, aid in conflict resolution, ensure employees are aligning their work in terms of their vision, mission and strategy and also aid in developing happy and satisfied teams (Council, 2016). Human resource management is being driven to embrace the payroll technology which enables efficiency and convenience. Employees are always keen in understanding their benefits, paychecks and tax information. In the past, this information was recorded on paper which would get lost or the information would fade with time. The payroll technology automates employee records and organizes the data in simple formats making it easier to understand which enables easy information access (Mireles, 2016). The strategic contingency theory relates to the payroll technology in that managers keep adopting specific strategies that will maximize gains and minimize risks. These strategies aid in dictating policies, tasks that guide the human resource management (Itika, 2011). According to emeritis the HR technology over the last few years has grown tremendously. Human resource departments are comparing apps so as to get the best that fit their purpose. This, in turn, means that they are driving the direction on the creation of very specific softwares which was not the case previously. Software vendors are keen on taking their expectations to come up with tools that serve all desired HR functions as this drives the success of their creations. This relates to the expectancy theory that assumes increased effort results to good performance, good performance leads to certain rewards which in turn is attractive to an individual (Bowditch, 2001). 2. According to HR drive, change is in a fast pace and the evolution of work will move leaders to adapt their methods too. The workplace will be challenged to provide direction and transparency which will lead leaders to actively participate in the daily operations and demonstrate their leadership skills through action. Tess believes that technology is in a position to help leaders be more effective by embracing the automation process. It is important for leaders not to panic with all the major changes and result to hiring new graduates, but to provide training internally so as to bring their employees up to speed (Taylor, 2017). Technology has improved communication skills at the workplace as now employees and employers are driven to share more information than ever before to enable efficiency and corporation. The 360-degree feedback analyses the impact of apps on human resource managers, as employees are driven to be better at their job, they require constant understanding and feedback. This develops the human investment of any leader as they have to understand their role, improve their performance and take systematic actions to improve any areas of weakness. According to Linderbaum Levy, leaders who positively accept feedback are found to be motivated to develop their skills and they move to create awareness socially (Orazi, 2014). The changes in technology are recognizing the vital role leaders play in organizations, the challenges they face and how they require support. McAlpine, a leadership coach who launched a leadership app shares that leadership is something that anyone can learn. According to her leaders are often isolated and tend to be lonely, but her app helps them to feel supported, informed and inspired. Leaders have access to answers on how to improve their skills, self-awareness and be in the know of the latest leadership trends just to mention a few (Mack, 2016). This relates to the self-efficacy theory whereby people believe in their personal ability to learn new things and get to perform a task efficiently. A strong feeling of being self-sufficient results to an individual becoming a better learner (Coyle-Shapiro, 2013). Leaders and managers are required to shift their focus from internal issues towards long-term objectives. It is vital for all human resource departments to embrace the use of apps to lessen their workload so that they are able to have advanced analytical skills, make informed decisions on new business insights, access current and anticipate future needs (Kapoor, n.d.). This relates to organizational learning theory whereby for businesses to succeed, they are required to learn new ways of doing things and adapt to those ways that suit the organization's needs. This knowledge drives the work environment to share a common vision and strategy in enabling success (Itika, 2011). In conclusion, human resource departments have gone through tremendous changes in the past years. Technology apps have come in handy as they work across various gadgets that come in different prices and sizes. The work of human resource managers has improved as these apps are simplifying the means of communication, employees workload, and enable companies to remain competitive and they are user-friendly. This technology has drastically improved human resource management for the better. References Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S. (2014).Human Resource Management Practice. 1st ed. Bowditch, J. (2001).A Primer on Organizational Behavior. 1st ed. Bulmash, J. (n.d.). HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 May 2017]. Burg, N. (2013). How Technology Has Changed Workplace Communication.Forbes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 May 2017]. Capterra (2017).Reviews of BirdDogHR: Free Pricing Demos: Performance Appraisal Software. 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